InterEnergy Panama’s country manager appointed President of CECACIER

October, 2019

Our Country Manager in Panama, Jamilette Guerrero, was appointed President of CECACIER, being the first woman to be elected to chair the organization.

ECACIER is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded on July 6, 2009, in San José Costa Rica, which brings together companies and organizations from the energy sector of the Central American and the Caribbean region.

The objective of the organization is to create a network in the energy sector in order to promote the integration of the sector, the provision of services and make the energy sector associates co-participants of the Regional Energy Integration Commission (CIER), of which CECACIER is an active member.

Our group salute this designation with the certainty that this will continue the promotion of inclusive and equality practices on the energy sector in Central America and the Caribbean.